Mythlore Costume – Fixing a belt

Simon and I started sorting through his leather accessories to see what we could use with the costume I was making. He pulled out one belt declaring that this would would work really well… and unfortunately it was broken.

See? Is broken.



No, I have no idea why M&S would make that bit in the buckle removable either, but apparently it fell out.


Doesn’t work very well as a belt without that middle bit.


The leather strap was still in good condition so I went on eBay, ordered a new 1¾” buckle for a couple of quid.

All I had to do then was unpick the stitches…


And then I used to waxed linen thread that I had for bookbinding to sew it back up again. I think you should really sew it with a double needle in order to hide the ends, but I didn’t have two needles I could use and I didn’t really care too much since otherwise Simon was going to chuck it away.


Not too shabby, eh?


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