There’s always a bit of stigma attached to being single around Christmas and New Year, and so many of us redouble our dating efforts in the run up to the holidays. I have no idea where this stigma comes from, but I know that the fear of being single for the festive season really does make a difference – the dating sites always seem to be far busier at this time of year!
One of the ways to really make a difference to your chances of meeting someone during the festive season is to have a real stand-out profile picture. There’s more and more photographers, like myself, who will shoot profile pictures for dating sites. It is a really worthwhile investment to hire a photographer to shoot your portrait if you want to stand out amongst the crowd.
This is the shot that I’ve been using recently for my own dating site profile picture. Although it doesn’t show my whole face, it’s given me the best success I’ve ever had!
You see, it stands out in the results as potential matches school through their search results. Anything that entices people to click on your profile and take a look is great news when it comes to online dating, especially around Christmas.
It also shows my tattoos, which can be a sticking point for many people, and gives people a rough idea of my style, my hair, and my body. So even through it doesn’t give everything away, it gives enough away to make people want to look closer.
When you are choosing a photograph for your dating profile I think eye contact is super important. Get some shots of you where you’re looking right down the camera! They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, so don’t hide away behind sunglasses or by facing the other way! Let people see what you’re all about and you’ll have far more success for those New Year’s parties!
Another thing to consider is the kind of style and interests you want to portray in your profile photo. If you spend every weekend cliff diving then you might want to let any potential partner know that it’s a big part of your life. Your hobby will most likely turn off as many people as it turns on, but that’s a good thing – right? It makes the shortlist of potential hot dates for New Year’s Eve an even shorter one that requires less time to sort through!
Don’t forget to perhaps try and include some images that show you in your local area if you’d like to try and find someone who comes from your area. It’s always great to feel a connection with someone through their photo. For instance when I was into the Cardiff dating scene I always made sure to include some images shot in the Brecon Beacon’s while I was out walking. It would pique the interest of those local to me with similar hobbies and I met up with more than one person because of those shots!
Above all don’t forget to be genuine and have fun. Good luck with your festive dating!
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