Retail Therapy for Sewists during Lockdown

If you’re anything like me, you’ll have already been giving your credit card a workout while we’re locked down and told to stay indoors. But just in case you’ve not cracked yet, here are some of my favourite finds on Etsy for those of us who love to sew.

Felt Brontosaurus Pattern

Look, I just love dinosaurs. I have dinosaurs hidden all over the house at strategic points and I keep promising to make my own. This pattern by typingwithtea is top of my list.

I know I won’t be able to stop at one though – I’ll need the stegosaurus too!

Dinosaurs in Space Cross Stitch Pattern

To continue the dinosaur theme – last night I was browsing Etsy and I found this set of dinosaurs in space cross stitch patterns.

I could think of a hundred places these would look good around my house, I’m only hoping I get the pattern for my birthday Thursday!

Travel Needle Minders

And then I thought, if I’m doing some cross stitch for the first time in two decades, then I probably need the right kit.

Aren’t these travel themed needle minders adorable? I figure that if we can’t travel at the moment, we might as well have things that remind us of what we’ll do when all this is over.

Project Bag Pattern

I find project bags really useful in my house. I used to use cardboard boxes. But bags like this mean I can pack everything into one neat bag and leave it by the sofa to work on in the evenings.

Just like mine, this pattern has pockets all the way around for things like scissors and rulers – more useful than you could ever imagine.

Macrame Plant Hanger Kit

Thinking about my living room and the sofa, I can’t be the only one who has a house full of plants. In fact, my living room is turning into a bit of a jungle and we’ve had to resort to hanging them from the ceiling.

So I keep meaning to learn macrame to keep my little plant buddies happy, and this kit looks like the ideal way to start.

Tropical Plant Stitch Markers

If you’re more of a knitter than a macramer (is that even a word?) then these plant themed stitch markers really are delightful.

I taught myself to knit once. A beautiful chunky cabled scarf with expensive wool that I bought from Liberties when I worked around the corner in London. Alas, my project bag full of half-finished scarf and lovely wool got lost when I moved out of my ex’s house. I still mourn that scarf.

Sewing Theme Art Print

You know what? Sometimes making all feels like it’s a bit too much, and what we really want to do is sit around and binge Netflix. That’s ok too, especially in this time of crisis.

Leigh of PaperandInksUK has designed an amazing set of sewing themed art in the style of traditional tattoos. This one might have to live above my sewing machine to remind me to think before I cut expensive fabric.

Sign your Makes

Lastly, a shout out to the company who supply my labels for my business. Naked Labels have been making my branding labels for the last few years and the quality is excellent. Whenever I need to order a new set (like this weekend) they always have the design to hand and they just make it easy.

A++ will use them forever.

If you want to see what the Etsy editors picked as their favourite items during this lockdown, head over to their #StandWithSmall page. Now more than ever it’s important to support small local businesses and artists.

Most of us won’t be getting much government support, and those that do will have to wait until at least June. So if you’re still on the lookout for presents for others or treats for yourself, consider the artists and makers rather than the chains. <3 Thank you!

I may earn commissions for any links that appear in blog posts on this site. There is no change in pricing if you click through an affiliate link.


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