Tag: Lemon

  • Lemon Salt

    Lemon Salt


    Last one for today, I think.

    180ml jar.

    Maldon sea salt – enough to almost fill jar.

    Zest of two lemons. Peeled with a zester. Or grated, I guess.

    Put salt and lemon zest onto tray lined with greaseproof paper.

    Rub the zest into the salt with your fingertips, lightly. Just enough to release the oils and mix well.

    Put into oven at about 75 degrees C.

    Check after 15 minutes to see if the zest has dehydrated. Mine took about 30 minutes.

    Rub through salt and zest with your fingers to break up any lumps. Try to keep the flakes of salt reasonably intact.

    Pour into sterilised jar.

    Use on grilled vegetables.

    2015-06-10 09.26.06

    2015-06-10 09.28.01

    2015-06-10 10.03.55

    2015-06-10 10.05.04




    2015-06-10 10.08.48

  • Lemon Vodka

    Lemon Vodka


    500 ml vodka.

    3 lemons into 8ths.

    1L jar.

    Dark place, keep turning every few days.

    Might become limoncello.

    2015-06-10 09.12.05

    2015-06-10 09.14.43

    2015-06-10 09.21.56

  • Salt Preserved Lemons

    Salt Preserved Lemons


    So, lemons were on offer at Tesco.

    This is a large 1L jar.

    I stuck two tablespoons of salt in the bottom of the jar.

    Then I cut up a load of lemons into quarters – take the little nasty end bits off where they were connected to the tree.

    Toss them in salt.

    Stick them into the jar. Add more salt between each layer.

    Press them down. Add more lemons and salt.

    Add some peppercorns. Usually I add a bay leaf too, but I didn’t have any.

    Top up to the height of the lemons with lemon juice from a bottle or other lemons.

    Put somewhere cool. Turn over a couple of times every few days to make sure the salt and juice makes its way around all the lemon bits.

    In a month, there will be preserved lemons.

    You use them by cutting away the flesh and then rinsing under cold water.

