Tag: empire lrp

  • Recent Empire Costume

    I’ve not updated the blog for a while, but I *have* been making things…


    For the Pledge Ball.


    Sideless Surcote for the Pledge Ball.
    Relaxed tunic with V neck. The trim is actually chains in blue and white. High status but not overly fussy.
    Priest stole to denote the responsibility of having a congregation.

    Drowned Man chapter banner completed by hand using reverse appliqué technique.
    Photo by Beth Dooner. Also note priest stole on left hand side.
    New robes, designed to reflect functional crusader style armour but entirely made from fabric. The ‘pauldrons’ allow the chapter crest to be word on the shoulder (as in the Highguard brief), the tabs on the front reflect a priest stole, and the arms have seven stripes for seven virtues (that is piping pieced into the design, not painted on or applied). I wanted to feel ‘big’ and for the robes to look heavy.

    Kids tunics. Plain blue (with room to grow), and the chapter logo worn on the shield arm like armour.
  • #38: Apothecary Pamphlets for Empire LRP

    #38: Apothecary Pamphlets for Empire LRP

    11 pamphlets of apothecary recipes typeset and bound for giving away and trading on the field. Actually they were bound in a field as well, while I sat around drinking beer before time in…

    2016-07-29 08.36.29-web

  • #27: Charcoal Bag

    #27: Charcoal Bag

    Picked up a nice basket today to keep charcoal in for my new bell tent stove. But there were gaps in the weaving, and if I put a basket full of charcoal in the car it’s going to go everywhere.

    One quick black drawstring bag later, and problem solved.

    2016-06-16 16.12.12-web

    2016-06-16 16.23.50-web

  • #24-25: Empire LRP Lanterns

    #24-25: Empire LRP Lanterns


    Two lanterns for Empire LRP. Picked up plain in Tiger for £2 each and painted with black acrylic paint. The paint won’t last – it scratches off easily. But I wanted to see how they looked when used as props at night in the field.

    If it works well then I might etch them permanently. Or at least use glass paint instead.

  • #6 & #7: 13thC Fantasy Surcoat & Tunic

    #6 & #7: 13thC Fantasy Surcoat & Tunic

    For Highguard at Empire LRP!

    That’s 17 machine embroidered compass designs in total, the design around the hem goes all the way around to the back.

    Unfortunately Ikea LENDA fabric doesn’t seem to allow stain removal, so it’s rather grubby and brown in places despite multiple washes.

    Please visit my Patreon page to help support my work: http://patreon.com/charlottem http://charlottemoss.co.uk
    Please visit my Patreon page to help support my work: http://patreon.com/charlottem
  • LARP Awards 2016 – The Photos I’m Not Entering

    LARP Awards 2016 – The Photos I’m Not Entering

    I don’t enter my pictures into the LARP Awards. This isn’t the post to go into detail about why I don’t, but I thought I’d kind of ‘play along’ and select some of my favourite images from the last year that I’ve shot.

    But I’m also going to explain some of my reasoning – because I know photographers are interested in that shit. Sometimes. Well, mostly I know Tom is interested in that shit. So Tom, this one is for you. 😉

    In no particular order and with no favouritism:


    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    A technically difficult photograph to pull off. Shot late in the evening within the ritual circle created by Mandala Studios.

    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    I’m not really big into EXIF data, but I’m going to post it a few times in this post. It helps me remember what I did in order to get the shot.

    So this one was using the 25-105mm f4 lens, which is a pretty unforgiving lens in low light. It’s ability to focus in low light is… almost non-existant. So this would have been a manually focussed shot from a tripod, which means I planned the shot, prepared myself, and waited for the right moment to catch it. Which makes me very pleased. Much more pleased than a random snap of something just happening.

    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    It’s also pretty in focus too – which is always nice. And unusual for me photographing at night. (I can’t photograph at night. It’s not me. Don’t make me do it.)

    But mostly I like the composition here, and the colours. The composition really makes the shot I think.


    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    This one is from the same Empire event as the one above.

    It’s proof that you don’t need great gear to photograph with. The lens I’m using above is the Canon 100-400mm MkI, which I picked up second hand for about £600 some years ago. It’s been my workhorse over the past three years, and I’m only now really considering changing it.

    I like the composition here. The framing of the Orc between other people is really nice. Mind you, this is mostly how I see people at LARP – I am only short. The rain adds something in the background too. My only irritant is that the mask sags round his mouth so I’m unable to photoshop it in order to make it into a competition entry shot. But that’s my problem – obviously – not the players problem.

    Just to see the kind of results I’m getting with that lens – here’s the close up.

    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    There are flaws with this lens. The details are rarely sharp and I don’t like the bokeh that you get in images with backlighting. But it’s a good budget option.


    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    Shadow Wars this time. At the Gaol.

    I just love the composition here. It really works for me with the dark figure agains the light background and the dark background on the other side of the image. The crispness of the vape on a cold (but sunny) day finishes the image off for me and makes it one of my favourites from this year.


    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    I don’t particularly ‘like’ this photo, but it did feel like a bit of a technical achievement. The gas coming out of the gun was a capture I couldn’t have predicted – now I  just need to get this effect on an image I love compositionally…


    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    Forsaken LRP now. If I had my way I wouldn’t release any photo of mine that wasn’t this sharp. I think I’d quickly become even less popular than I already am though because not many of my pictures would make it out to the internet.

    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    So this was one of those events where I borrowed Simon’s Canon 70-20mm f2.8 MkII, and it was THE shot that convinced me that I need to buy one for myself – which I really need to sort out this afternoon.

    This lens is just beautiful. I mean, it’s really hard to make people understand why some lenses are lovely and some are not. And it’s not a price thing either – it’s not about ‘whoever spends the most money wins’.

    It’s about the positively creamy background here. And the fact that his back shoulder is thrown out of focus which pulls your attention back to his face. The superb rendering of detail – as you can see in the close up above. And of course it’s the fact that this lens has a fantastic auto-focus mechanism. I do not shoot LARP with manual focus. I am not good enough to do that. I need a lens that will help me with the bits of photography I’m not very good at.

    And of course – the guy in the photo is pretty good too. It was great timing to capture that moment of intense emotion playing out through his character. A++ would photograph him again.

    Possibly my favourite LARP photo from 2015.


    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    So, I’m picking this one. The World Went Dark is probably the first time that I’ve really thought about what imaging technology might actually look like in the setting of a game. Here I went back to inspiration taken from Daguerreotypes. Now they’re not a faithful reproduction of that style, but they are ‘inspired by’ in the coolthentic way that LARP loves.

    I shot alot of good images at The World Went Dark. Far more than I normally would at an event. But still not enough ‘great’ images.


    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    I’m going to count this as a LARP image. Cazz and I met at LARP, he’s wearing his LARP costume, the portraits were created for a future LARP, the only thing not LARP is the weapon. Would the UK LARP Awards count this as a LARP picture? Fuck knows.

    I’ve been out of practice at shooting portraits and retouching them recently. Well, for a few years now. I’ve just not really made many opportunities to do it. But Cazz kept asking (a bit like an overenthusiastic puppy) and so eventually he made it to my studio and we shot stuff.

    It’s good, I like the composition here. The hands are nice and tidy – in shot but out of the way (hands are really hard to deal with in portraits) and the light is good. There’s about six hours of retouching in there – believe it or not. Not because Cazz is ugly and has awful skin or anything, but because I really wanted to produce a show piece image that I could be really proud of. And here it is – understated and subtle.

    And check that focus out… shot with the Canon 100mm f2.8 Macro MkI. I had to blur the image very slightly because I felt it was actually slightly *too* sharp.

    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering


    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    Here’s a second picture of Cazz, this time having a cuddle with Russ. At the start of the year I decided that I wanted to produce a documentary project focussing on the people who make LARP events happen, rather than the players who play the events. I try to photograph people either midway through an event or just afterwards, taking them away from the hustle of the event for just a couple of minutes in order to make their portrait. I try to shoot each Gamesmaker portrait within five or so shots.

    It’s also important to me to let people pose how they want to be seen. Most event organisers I know, and those who are heavily involved in running events, have a very strong sense of ‘self’. They know who they are, they know how they want to be perceived, and I like to let them show that. I suspect that I need to learn a bit more about posing this year so that I can pose people without losing their sense of self, but I’m not quite sure how to approach that, I’m sure I will.

    This is one of the images that I let some photographic judges tear to pieces at the weekend. Cazz’s dark eyes need lightning in photoshop (that’s a symptom of the light and my photography rather than his tiredness…), both pairs of dark trousers need lightning slightly and possibly need a bit more saturation, and most crucially the focus is out. Russ’ arm is more in focus than their faces – which is a serious problem (although possibly correctable in Photoshop to an extent).

    But, I’m still really pleased with it as a shot. The fog rolling in that morning was fantastic. And the sense of relief on their faces is really what the entire project is about.

    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering


    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    I think this might be my overall favourite LARP shot that I took last year. Unfortunately it’s terminally out of focus and I don’t think I can save it.

    LARP Awards 2016 - The Photos I'm Not Entering

    But anyway. The aim was to document those in the UK who make LARP what it is. Matt might be a friend, but he also does an awful lot behind the scenes. Obviously.

    The colours, the composition, they both work well here. I’m pleased with how it came out – and it really started to set the standard for how I would style my Gamesmaker portraits. I’ve tried a few different things since, but they’ve not worked quite as well. I just keep coming back to this off-centre composition and environmental setting. Objectively – I need to bring a bit more light into his eyes in Photoshop. But that’s pretty minor.

    The biggest compliment though was when an event or two later Matt told me that although he hated having his picture taken, he didn’t mind sitting for me at all. And actually, he really liked the way he looked in this photo.

    And that’s probably one of the biggest compliments you can pay me if I make your portrait.

  • Empire LRP Best Photos

    Empire LRP Best Photos

    Before I transfer my website to a new provider, I thought I’d just leave here a selection of my ‘front page’ photos from Profound Decisions events.



    Empire LRP - E4 2014 - www.charlottemoss.co.uk


    Empire LRP - E4 2014 - www.charlottemoss.co.uk


    Empire LRP - E4 2014 - www.charlottemoss.co.uk








    Empire 2014 E2 - Profound Decisions Ltd

    Empire 2014 E2 - Profound Decisions Ltd


    Empire LRP - E4 2014 - www.charlottemoss.co.uk

    Empire LRP - E4 2014 - www.charlottemoss.co.uk

  • Empire LRP Architecture

    Empire LRP Architecture

    Just a few shots that I’m putting here for… reasons.

    Kudos to Bill Thomas and the Empire Set Dressing Crew.
















  • Staying cool – coolthentic braies

    Staying cool – coolthentic braies

    So… this Empire just gone was way too hot. So I started a thread on Costume Froth to find out how people had dealt with it themselves. I wasn’t sure if it was a bit weird or not to basically wander around in medieval pants, but apparently that’s all right and we’re a free and easy community of role-players, so I figured that was the best thing to do.

    I currently have a giant spool of cream thread loaded in my sewing machine so I’m going through projects that require cream thread to finish them off. While tidying stuff away I came cross a pair of trousers I’d made up to test out a pattern for some trousers for Simon. They were too tight for his fat ass, but I tried them on and they’re alright for me. So I cut them off at the knee, hemmed them, and now I have something approaching IC pants for future hot events (and for wearing under my Odyssey robes).


    Yeah, so they’ve got pockets. And black tape in the waistband instead of matching cream tape (which I might fix at some point). But they’re good to go. At some point I might put a draw string in the hems, but right now I’ve got a project done and out of my sewing box and into my wardrobe.

    The pattern is Simplicity 3633, which is actually for hospital scrubs. But they’re simple and they work. (Also as usual, french seamed throughout, no raw edges for toughness in the field.)


  • Shooting Products – Again.

    Shooting Products – Again.

    There was once a little photographer who wanted to be a fashion photographer. The photographer tried time and time again to get into the London College of Fashion to do their Fashion Photography BA but was never accepted. However that little photographer managed to get a job shooting fashion and product images for one of the biggest photography companies in the UK, and the little photographer got to work for iconic brands like Austin Reed, Mary Portas and House of Fraser.

    The little photographer was now a little fashion photographer and was initially very happy. But then the vacuousness of the fashion industry began to get to the little fashion photographer and despite working with fantastically awesome people, the little fashion photographer began to get a more than a little jaded.

    After a year or so the little fashion photographer reverted back to just being little and virtually gave up photography completely. Eighteen months went by and little’s closest friend asked if she’d like to photograph a LRP event. Little didn’t really know what LRP was, but her closest friend was very persuasive and so little went along and had a go.

    Little became a little photographer once more and began to make friends with the most enormously talented artists who came together in a LRP field on a regular basis. Soon the little photographer began to see that lots of the artists didn’t have good photography of their beautiful pieces of art and that made the little photographer sad, because people this talented should be able to show off what they do to the whole world.

    So the little photographer became a little product photographer once again and decided to give these artists pictures of their work that they can be really proud of. And the little product photographer enjoyed it way more than she did when she was photographing vacuous fashion images.

    With thanks to the following artists who gave me so much joy to photograph their work:

    Kate Lee – https://www.facebook.com/TotallyLeathered
    Kate Lee – https://www.facebook.com/TotallyLeathered
    Kate Lee - https://www.facebook.com/TotallyLeathered & Rich Smith - http://www.evenlodestudio.com
    Kate Lee – https://www.facebook.com/TotallyLeathered & Rich Smith – http://www.evenlodestudio.com
    Rich Smith - http://www.evenlodestudio.com
    Rich Smith – http://www.evenlodestudio.com
    Rich Smith - http://www.evenlodestudio.com
    Rich Smith – http://www.evenlodestudio.com
    Steve Lunn - http://www.whiteroseapparel.com
    Steve Lunn – http://www.whiteroseapparel.com
    Steve Lunn - http://www.whiteroseapparel.com
    Steve Lunn – http://www.whiteroseapparel.com
    Steve Lunn - http://www.whiteroseapparel.com
    Steve Lunn – http://www.whiteroseapparel.com