These fabrics are from Janet Clare, designing for Moda. It’s a really lovely collection – I love some of the abstracts in it (particularly that little matchstick type print). I’m not really into prints, so the rest of it isn’t really to my taste.
However! This isn’t for me, it’s for my Aunt as a birthday present later in the year, and she loves these kinds of colours and prints. So I reckon we should be fine.

BTW, have you checked out Craftsy lately? I’ve been buying so much new lovely fabric there recently. It’s a great price if you’re in the UK – cheaper than buying over here, and they include all your import taxes in the shipping fee. Mind you, it’s an expensive shipping fee, so many sure you buy enough!

I bought a couple of their quilt kits last week to make next. Adam is difficult to make for, but he’s fallen in love with some hipster arrow quilt thing. More about that when I start working on it…

Aren’t the fabrics nice together? I really like Janet’s sense of style and colour. They just work without any extra effort needed. This one was made with a single jelly roll and the same amount of plain Ikea fabric. It was Janet’s fabric that I used in my Thames Barge quilt too!