I made two of these, because I had 10m of lovely green wool. One for me for Dumnonni, and one for Simon for Heathen.
His was machine finished, except for the neck that was hand finished. Mine was hand finished throughout. Just because.
So I got invited to go and play a Curious Pastimes faction event (and take some photos of course). And so obviously, I needed kit. Spanish renaissance inspired noble house who were all about passion and pleasure. Black and purple.
So… of course lots of black leather kit was the way forward! I based the whole thing loosely on a combination of some videogames characters and Paso Doble dancers outfits.
It’s the first time I’ve really worked with leather. I got some last year but I couldn’t make it work. This time I got some slightly thinner and came up with a design that heavily utilised thonging so that I could be a bit inaccurate around the edges. I’m pretty pleased with how the whole thing came out.
#46: The Shirt.
Based on the same pattern as basically all the robes that I ever make, just with much larger sleeves that I gathered on my overlocker and elasticated wrists. £2 Ikea calico and a pack of Dylon washing machine dye. I added a drawstring with black bias tape too.
#47: The Belt / Corset Thing.
Based on a design by Epic Armouries (I would have bought theirs but it was too big, not cut for women, and not really what I wanted). This used far more thonging than I thought it would…
#48: Shirt Gaiters.
Flouncy long sleeves deserve gaiters… that match the belt / corset.
#49: Bracers.
And matching bracers. Of course. In ‘tiny’ size.
So I took the challenge to set dress a market stall for The World Went Dark. A fortune teller needs a sign advertising their services, so the ‘crappy bunting’ was born. Well actually this is ‘Gyptian heirloom bunting – not that the ‘Gyptian can read it. 😉
I also made five sets of regular triangular crappy bunting too. Which I suspect will appear on Etsy sometime soon as well.
It’s done… the 40″x40″ baby quilt. Machine pieced and quilted, and binding hand sewn. I did it as a test piece for a range I would like to potentially sell in the future, and at getting paid only £10 an hour I can make it retail for £175. That’s pretty expensive. I guess I need to work out if I can speed up in some places.