
  • Building a Handmade Business Website

    Building a Handmade Business Website

    Realised that you need to step away from platforms like Etsy or Amazon and build your own handmade business website? Well, this post is for you. It’s a difficult step that many of us will be facing in the upcoming months, especially if we have enjoyed working from home during the pandemic and have decided to take our business full time.

    The world of website building is complicated. It’s a specialist skillset in the same way that photography is. So you shouldn’t feel disheartened if your first attempts at building your handmade business website aren’t quite what you initially hoped. You could, of course, consult professionals in web design services who can build it for you from scratch and just the way you would like it. However, if you have your heart set on doing it on your own, this post might prove useful.

    But stick with it, and with practice and patience you can design and build your own business website. But stick with it, and with practice and patience, you can design and build your own business website. Yes, it is indeed true that you might need to master the art of creating a website, perhaps with the help of a website builder like WordPress. It is also true that you may need the best seo plugin (be it All in One SEO or Rank Math) for gaining more visibility. But if you keep your calm and learn more about these, then you can surely get the desired outcome.

    Remember that having your own website allows you to be in complete control of your own shop and sales, without worrying if the platform you’re using might suddenly change in a way that damages your income.

    Picking a theme

    If you’ve picked WordPress as the content management system for your handmade business website (which I highly recommend you do – all my sites are build on WordPress), then you can get themes to help you with the layout and different features. Themes are like outfits for your website – you can change the theme to change the whole look of your site.

    Of course, they do much more than just change the look! Website themes can also add functionality to WordPress websites and features that really help a small business owner out.

    If you’re interested in exploring the different themes that might be available to you for your website, take a look at the WordPress templates section of Theme Planet. You can narrow your search by “category” on the right-hand side, selecting just those that will work as eCommerce websites. If you want to find more themes, a simple Google search will give you lots of options.

    Chosing your theme can be a difficult process on your own, so make sure that you get someone you trust to give you a second opinion. It’s even better if that person also has their own successful handmade business because they know what customers look for!

    I would prioritise WordPress themes that are clean and simple, which allow you to add your own branding. Find themes that work with your brand and your photographs not against, and that have more functionality than you need right now so that you can grow into the theme in the future, without having to redo your entire site.

    Remember the marketing

    Don’t forget, if you’re moving from a site like Etsy or Amazon you’ll also need to focus on bringing your own customers. You will no longer benefit from the huge reach that these big companies have and will have to drive all of your own traffic. Make sure you are on top of Google analytics, to gain visitor data that can help you track targeted goals, analyze how content performs, and watch traffic movement on your site. If you have a designated employee, it would work great. You can see how to add someone to your Google analytics account (check for more info on this) that would enable them to access to your GA account, property, or view.

    Building up your social media following is one way to start preparing for the switch over, and asking customers to sign up to a newsletter is another. Newsletters are great because they deliver your message straight into your customers inbox! That’s pretty powerful. You can go one step further and invest in business text messaging platforms such as Heymarket ( that can assist businesses in sending personalized messages to multiple customers at once, running targeted SMS marketing campaigns, and collecting leads from their websites.

    But whatever you do make sure that you don’t release your website too early. Having an unfinished website is far worse than having an averagely-made handmade business website!

  • Retail Therapy for Sewists during Lockdown

    Retail Therapy for Sewists during Lockdown

    If you’re anything like me, you’ll have already been giving your credit card a workout while we’re locked down and told to stay indoors. But just in case you’ve not cracked yet, here are some of my favourite finds on Etsy for those of us who love to sew.

    Felt Brontosaurus Pattern

    Look, I just love dinosaurs. I have dinosaurs hidden all over the house at strategic points and I keep promising to make my own. This pattern by typingwithtea is top of my list.

    I know I won’t be able to stop at one though – I’ll need the stegosaurus too!

    Dinosaurs in Space Cross Stitch Pattern

    To continue the dinosaur theme – last night I was browsing Etsy and I found this set of dinosaurs in space cross stitch patterns.

    I could think of a hundred places these would look good around my house, I’m only hoping I get the pattern for my birthday Thursday!

    Travel Needle Minders

    And then I thought, if I’m doing some cross stitch for the first time in two decades, then I probably need the right kit.

    Aren’t these travel themed needle minders adorable? I figure that if we can’t travel at the moment, we might as well have things that remind us of what we’ll do when all this is over.

    Project Bag Pattern

    I find project bags really useful in my house. I used to use cardboard boxes. But bags like this mean I can pack everything into one neat bag and leave it by the sofa to work on in the evenings.

    Just like mine, this pattern has pockets all the way around for things like scissors and rulers – more useful than you could ever imagine.

    Macrame Plant Hanger Kit

    Thinking about my living room and the sofa, I can’t be the only one who has a house full of plants. In fact, my living room is turning into a bit of a jungle and we’ve had to resort to hanging them from the ceiling.

    So I keep meaning to learn macrame to keep my little plant buddies happy, and this kit looks like the ideal way to start.

    Tropical Plant Stitch Markers

    If you’re more of a knitter than a macramer (is that even a word?) then these plant themed stitch markers really are delightful.

    I taught myself to knit once. A beautiful chunky cabled scarf with expensive wool that I bought from Liberties when I worked around the corner in London. Alas, my project bag full of half-finished scarf and lovely wool got lost when I moved out of my ex’s house. I still mourn that scarf.

    Sewing Theme Art Print

    You know what? Sometimes making all feels like it’s a bit too much, and what we really want to do is sit around and binge Netflix. That’s ok too, especially in this time of crisis.

    Leigh of PaperandInksUK has designed an amazing set of sewing themed art in the style of traditional tattoos. This one might have to live above my sewing machine to remind me to think before I cut expensive fabric.

    Sign your Makes

    Lastly, a shout out to the company who supply my labels for my business. Naked Labels have been making my branding labels for the last few years and the quality is excellent. Whenever I need to order a new set (like this weekend) they always have the design to hand and they just make it easy.

    A++ will use them forever.

    If you want to see what the Etsy editors picked as their favourite items during this lockdown, head over to their #StandWithSmall page. Now more than ever it’s important to support small local businesses and artists.

    Most of us won’t be getting much government support, and those that do will have to wait until at least June. So if you’re still on the lookout for presents for others or treats for yourself, consider the artists and makers rather than the chains. <3 Thank you!

    I may earn commissions for any links that appear in blog posts on this site. There is no change in pricing if you click through an affiliate link.

  • Dating During the Lockdown

    Dating During the Lockdown

    We face such extraordinary times over the coming weeks and months. The UK is in lockdown because of the global pandemic and people all over are trying to work out what their lives look like both in the immediate future and over the coming months and even years.

    Nothing will ever be the same again, that’s for sure. The way we interact, the way we carry on our social lives has changed. And that means dating will change too.

    Make connections now–think online dating

    Don’t be afraid to carry on making connections. We might be on lockdown from the outside world, but that doesn’t mean we can’t keep chatting on dating websites or apps. In fact, it’s a great way to get your daily social fix.

    Wondering where to find a few such apps or websites? This Thought Catalog Article can help you out in this regard. It can offer you a comprehensive list of the best online dating apps and websites so that you do not spend evenings alone in the darkness.

    Look local

    And if you’re making connections online with a view to meet up as soon as social distancing is over it might be best to focus your attention locally. It’s tough times for everyone financially, and travelling to dates is going to be an expense that many of us won’t be able to justify once the country returns to some semblance of normal.

    Local dating sites are really the best way to make these connection happens. For instance if you’re looking for a Yorkshire dating site then check out Love Yorkshire Singles. And a quick Google search will turn up other similar local options too! For example, those looking for Hampshire dating might find luck on Love Hampshire Singles.

    The more I try local dating sites the more I convinced they’re the way forward. Forget the huge, faceless corporate sites that operate globally. What’s the point in chatting to someone in another country? Better to look locally and actually find someone you can go out for coffee with when this has all blown over!

    Keeping it interesting

    You might be wondering how you can keep it interesting in the long period that you can’t meet up. I struggle with this myself – I usually look to meet for coffee after just a handful of messages.

    But these are unusual times that perhaps require bold solutions! Maybe it’s time to move to more intimate chatting earlier than you usually would. Throw caution into the wind! Try dirty talks, sexting, or watching porn together on websites similar to PornV to build up that sexual tension. While you might not be together in one space, you can still have some fun in a lockdown. If you are really interested in the person you found on a dating site, the sexual tension and buildup can turn into an explosive romance when you decide to meet once the COVID-19 lockdown gets lifted.

    Don’t forget to stay safe online, don’t give out any personal details that might enable someone to track you down, and block liberally at the first sign of creepy behavior!

    I’d love to hear how you get on with your local dating during this period of lockdown. If you have success then drop me a line and let me know! I’ve already lined up a couple of local dates for when we’re allowed out and about more freely, so I’ll report back in the future when we’ve been out for coffee!

  • Free Online Sewing Classes during the Pandemic

    Free Online Sewing Classes during the Pandemic

    First off, I hope you’re all feeling alright out there and that you and your loved ones are safe. It’s extraordinary times at the moment and certainly here in the UK we’re facing the prospect of being stuck indoors for the next two and a half weeks!

    But it’s not all doom and gloom – people all over the world are finding the time to reconnect with their families, take up hobbies that they’ve always wanted to have a go at (I’m mastering the handstand pushup), and perfect the skills they already have.

    Bluprint have put together a “creative care package” for the pandemic which includes free access to all of their classes for two weeks! All you have to do is head over to their site and sign up – you don’t need a credit card but you do need to register.

    Bluprint classes cover so many different crafts and hobbies and they’ve made over 1300 of them free for this event. I’ve taken a few drawing classes on the site in the past, and I do love the modern quilting classes that are available. But there’s also photography, knitting, cake making… your only problem might be ordering the supplies that you need!

    The Jacquie Gering classes on modern quilting are my favourite classes on Bluprint. The creative quilting class really opened my eyes to seeing what could be done with just walking foot quilting. Well worth taking if free motion quilting has never really appealed!

    Homeschooling resources

    For the parents of kids who are now staying at school, there are also plenty of classes that they can take on their own with just basic materials. Bluprint has even organised a special family section of their site, so you can easily find suitable classes to take with them.

    Let me know if you watch a class and enjoy it – I’d love to see what you get up to! So head over to Bluprint, sign up, and get started!

    I may earn commissions for any links that appear in blog posts on this site. There is no change in pricing if you click through an affiliate link.

  • Revamping your Handmade Business Website: Getting Value for Money

    Revamping your Handmade Business Website: Getting Value for Money

    Sometimes, when we run our own handmade business, we try and do it all. Everything from designing and making products, to designing our own branding. Press releases to packaging. There’s the assumption that if you’re a “creative type” then you can do anything that’s tenuously related to your main skill, including when it comes to revamping your handmade business website.

    The problem with trying to do it all yourself is that often when we go outside of our primary skillset the results can be very lacklustre. And when it comes to the website that is designed to sell you and your product that can be something that really harms your business (and your profits).

    Revamping your handmade business website

    It’s a smart choice to think about having someone else design your website for you. Many small business website design service providers offer quality services at reasonable rates. So, if you’re actually going to opt for externally provided services, you should provide a few recommendations of what you want included in the site as well as the things you want to avoid. In addition, how you want it to should be clear, as should the needs you want it to fulfil. This gives the web designer the guidelines and ideas to work with. With the right help, you don’t have to spend too much time getting stressed out about creating the perfect platform.

    Hiring a digital agency who can design and maintain your website for a low monthly cost might not have been something you’ve thought about before. Perhaps you thought that the price would be out of your monthly business budget or it would just be too much hassle. But I’m convinced it’s the right solution for many small handmade businesses out there.

    Instead of hiring an in-house team or investing in expensive software and tools, you can outsource the work to a digital agency for a fixed cost. Does that surprise you? The thing is, hiring a cheap web design agency can help you allocate your budget more efficiently and focus on other aspects of your business. Hence, you can spend more time doing the thing that you do really well – running your business. You’re the only person who can do your job, so you should spend as much of your time as possible during work hours actually doing what you’re good at!

    Making it cost-effective

    When you avail web design services Red Deer (if that’s where you’re based), you should be specific about what you want added to your website to have a great start. For instance, you could screenshot and save examples of websites you love to convey your ideas to the agency. It could keep the costs down and help quicken the process of revamping your website as there wouldn’t be as many trials and errors.

    Also having your branding sorted out before you consider web design services will go a long way to keeping the costs down. If your brand designer has produced a set of logos, colour guidelines, and small details that match your brand then the digital agency can use this information as their starting point.

    Lastly, make sure you have your content ready to go. That means you’ll need things like your ‘about me’ information typed up, your product descriptions, information on custom orders; anything that could be its own page on the website. The web designers can then use your text rather than having to create it themselves or hire a copywriter. And don’t forget to have some great photos taken too!

    The more organised you are in advance, and the more you know what you want, the more cost-effective it will be when it comes to revamping your handmade business website. Having everything clear in your mind and in a format you can share with your new team (even if it’s just on Pinterest) will really help the collaboration go smoothly.

  • What to do on Valentine’s Day when you’re Single

    What to do on Valentine’s Day when you’re Single

    Being single on Valentine’s day seems like the worst. But honestly, it doesn’t have to be. There’s plenty of things you can do that don’t need a partner, and it’s a particularly great time to make some space for a bit of self-love. But if you do fancy going out on a date, there’s nothing wrong with that either!

    Here are some of my favourite things that I’ve done on Valentine’s day over the years:

    Book yourself a spa day

    Honestly, the place will be dead. All those cute couples will be off somewhere else enjoying their posh night out, and you’ll have the place virtually to yourself. You could even make it a date with your bestie and enjoy the treat together.

    Just do one thing for me – pick the luxury package. You deserve to be spoilt every now and again, even if you have to spoil yourself.

    Show yourself some love

    There’s no easy way to say this – sometimes the thing you need to do is get into bed, maybe with a toy or two, and go for it. Who needs a partner when you have, well, your hand? Take a look at GayPornHD or a similar site to really spice things up, and you’ll be seeing stars in no time. At the end of the day, you’re the only one who knows what you really like, so you’re always going to have a good time by yourself anyway!

    Have a party with your single friends

    I know in our thirties it feels like all our friends have got married and had babies, but I know that if you look around you’ll find a few more people who are single this February.

    Throw a party and invite them all. I’m entirely sure that some of them will have been dreading the 14th too, and will be more than happy for the invite!

    And there’s nothing wrong with throwing a Valentine’s theme party either – tell everyone to wear red or pink, watch silly romcoms on Netflix (Bridget Jones is always my first choice, followed by The Proposal), do Valentine crafts you found on Pinterest and celebrate your friendship. Just like you did in primary school when you wrote ‘Happy Valentine’ cards for everyone in the class!

    Stay off social media

    I love friend-dates for Valentine’s Day, and I don’t mind being on my own, but what I really hate is the outpouring of cuteness on social media. I love my friends, but they really do love to proclaim their gooey love at this time of year, and there’s only so much of that I can take…

    So I take a social media holiday for a few days most years and use the time to get stuff done that’s been languishing at the bottom of my to-do list for far too long. If you’re sick of other peoples crushingly lovesick statuses, then this may well work for you!

    Get yourself some flowers

    The best way to keep your mood up on Valentine’s Day is to get yourself a gift. There’s no better gift for an occasion like this than a set of flowers. A good bouquet of your favorite roses or orchids could make for a nice memory, and freshen up your house as well. You can have them delivered to your home as well. If you live in the Clyde North area, for example, all you have to do is google “Clyde North Flowers Delivery” or something to that effect (depending on your location), and you can find a good florist near you.

    Go on a date

    Sometimes if you can’t beat them, you’re better off joining them. But you’ve not got long before Valentine’s Day, so you’d better start looking for your new beau sooner rather than later. There are plenty of free dating sites UK singles can check out in order to find a cheeky Valentine’s Date.

    In fact, sites like matchmehappy make it easy. Just log on, create a profile, and you’ll be well on your way to finding another single keen for a date on Valentine’s Day.

    There’s nothing that says Valentine’s Day has to be exclusively for established couples. If you fancy a bit of the flirting and none of the long-term commitment then you do you!

    But whatever you do, be happy

    If you don’t want to do anything, they don’t do anything. If you want to sit around in your nightie and eat a whole tub of Phish Food ice cream, then do it! We only get one chance at life and the most important thing is to make ourselves happy… even on Valentine’s Day!

    But whatever you do, stay safe. And embrace the single life. Honestly, it’s a whole lot of fun to have this much freedom!

  • Time to Try Local Dating?

    Time to Try Local Dating?

    It’s just the way that things have worked out, but I’ve always been a long-distance dater and I’ve never really thought it was time to try local dating. Moving around the country so much has meant that I’ve made connections in all kinds of places, and I’ve often preferred to turn friendships into romantic connections instead of starting from scratch.

    try local dating

    But with a PhD in progress long-distance dating is becoming harder. It consumes more time than I really have spare and I no longer have the money to go on three-hour drives just for coffee. Instead, I’ve increasingly found myself looking online to find new connections in my local area.

    Changing the way that you look at dating can be tough, so here are my top tips for making the switch from long-distance dating to something more local.

    Keep your safety in mind

    Look, I’m not saying that everyone in the dating scene is an axe murderer, but it can be good to take precautions in order to stay safe. So, when using dating sites, consider going through a plethora of reviews such as this twomance review before choosing a site that has adequate safety protocols in place for your protection. Another way to ensure your safety while online dating is to either drive or get public transport to your date location (and if you drive, ensure you stick to non-alcoholic beverages).

    I usually walk from my home into town, so I always schedule something to do after a date, even if it’s just grocery shopping. That way I know I’m unlikely to be followed home by my date. Don’t forget to also let a friend know what you’re doing, and make sure you check in with them after the date so that they don’t worry.

    My number one tip is always meet for coffee, not beers. And don’t give out any information to your date that you’re not comfortable with!

    Try a local dating site

    I never knew that these existed until quite recently, but there are dating sites that just focus on your local area! That’s much better than chatting to someone for days and then finding out that they’re at the other end of the country (a dealbreaker for me, certainly).

    try local dating

    If you’re looking for a Suffolk dating site you might find that Love Suffolk Singles works for you. Equally, if you’re up in Scotland and looking for Fife dating, you’d probably have more luck on the site Love Fife Singles than a general site.

    These local dating sites can provide the kind of love and companionship that is harder to find on some of the bigger national or even global dating sites. If people are looking local they’re almost certainly going to be looking to spend more quality time with the people that they meet for romance!

    Join a club or evening class

    If the idea of online dating doesn’t sit quite right, then perhaps consider taking up a new hobby instead. Even my local town is full of classes and clubs – everything from beginners squash at the local sports centre to a book club at my favourite breakfast spot.

    The good thing about joining a club to meet new people is that you already know you’ll have something in common with them, and this can be a great icebreaker when you finally get them out for coffee!

    A word to the wise though – don’t start eyeing people up as potential dates immediately. Give it a while. Otherwise, you’ll just be that weird, creepy person that nobody wants to hang out with.

    Take it slow… or don’t

    Whatever you decide is best, take things at your own speed and don’t let other people or society dictate what should work for you. If you and your potential love interest are ready to take things to the next level, then you should. Why wait around when you both feel that same level of attraction? If you really want to, add some excitement to the mix. For example, if you both have a love of anime, then a handful of videos on sites like Tube v Sex can help you to get in the mood for a night of pleasure. Or, take it slow and start by having a date every other week and establish a relationship from there. You do you and make yourself happy.

    Explore the local dating scene, meet people online, and most of all just go out and have fun. You never know who you might meet and fall for. And the best thing about dating locally is that they’re on your doorstep whenever you fancy seeing them. I’m already dreaming of all that quality time I can spend with a person that I would otherwise have spent sitting in my car on the motorway…

  • 5 Tips for How to Improve Your Etsy Sales

    5 Tips for How to Improve Your Etsy Sales

    If you’re looking for ideas on how to improve your Etsy sales then you’re in the right place. I’ve had several Etsy stores now, and I’ve grown them all to a size that has provided the kind of income that I needed at the time.

    How to Improve Your Etsy Sales

    There are some simple steps that you can follow to make sure that you’re really focused on your Etsy store. Etsy isn’t Amazon or eBay. Customers don’t expect the kind of “big business” approach that they see there. They shop on Etsy because they’re looking for something unique, artisan, and from a small business. If you fulfil and exceed their expectations, they’ll be telling their friends about you and coming back for more!

    1. Never stop improving your shop

    There’s always something you can work on in order to increase etsy sales, but it doesn’t have to be huge, dramatic actions all the time. Even something simple like using crosslisting apps, automating certain processes, and using certain tools can go a long way in helping your sales. Set aside just fifteen minutes a day to work on your store. I like to grab a coffee in the morning and make it my first task.

    But what do you work on in those fifteen minutes? It could be a whole number of things. You might grab your camera and update a listings photographs, or work on your titles for a couple of listings. If your shop is looking pretty shipshape you could spend a bit of time doing some sketches for a new product or researching a wholesaler.

    The point is that you need to spend time each day improving your shop and what you can offer customers. If you never set aside time to improve and you just fulfill orders, then your shop will not grow over time. When you’re trying to expand your roster of products, consider testing them out first. Filling up your shop with products no one wants to buy could also tank your business. Thus, it makes business sense to do a Product Concept Test for any new products you wish to introduce to your shop, so that you are able to ensure steady growth for your business.

    2. Reach out on social media

    Don’t rely on Etsy to bring all your sales. I see it time and time again on various websites that someones Etsy sales are down but it often transpires that they’re not driving any traffic to their shop from social media. You can’t rely on Etsy to provide you with all your customers, you must be doing something more. And the good thing about social media is that it doesn’t have to cost you a penny.

    Instagram for Etsy Stops

    Focus on just a couple of social media platforms where you think your target customers will hang out. I love Instagram and Facebook because they’re both really visual platforms that encourage interaction from customers. Other people have great success on Pinterest.

    My best tip for social media would be to have great images. When you’re shooting product photos always a grab a couple of extra for social media that might not work as well for Etsy. Try and style your products on a person or in the environment that they’d be used in, these kinds of images really draw people in.

    3. Be a boutique

    Like I said above – Etsy isn’t like Amazon or eBay. It’s a boutique shopping experience rather than a chain store. Etsy is made up of thousands of sellers who are all really good at something niche. Don’t be afraid of your niche – instead, you should exploit it!

    Make sure all the items in your Etsy store relate to each other in some way. If you’re wondering how to improve your Etsy sales but feel like your SEO, photos, and customer service is on point, then perhaps you need to add a new product line that fits alongside your existing products. But think boutique: imagine owning a smart retail boutique, and think about if you could see the products that you sell now sitting together on the shelves of your store! If you couldn’t, then perhaps the products aren’t right.

    All new product lines should add value for your customer and should work with what you already sell. If you can’t imagine your customer putting two different products you sell in the same basket, then perhaps they’re not the right set of products for your Etsy store.

    4. Make your branding and photos consistent

    I’m not saying that all your photos have to look identical (remember you’re a boutique, not a chain store) but your store should feel coherent overall. Many sellers think that pure white backgrounds are the way to go, but unless they’re lit and photographed well, striving for a white background can hinder rather than help you.

    Think about your branding and who it’s trying to appeal to, and then make your photos reflect that. I love to use cute styling props in my images, the kind of things that I could imagine my target market buying and using alongside the items that I sell.

    How to Improve Your Etsy Sales
    Props from Anachronalia on Etsy!

    In the past, I’ve also used complementary products from friends shops to style my images, and then linked to their Etsy shops from the listing. It never helps to share around a bit of love, and actually it adds value to the customer as they might have been looking for the exact accessory that you used in the image!

    5. Provide excellent customer service

    You don’t have to hand-deliver every product or give your customer a call to check their order arrived. But it doesn’t take much to go the extra mile and create a customer experience that will bring people back to your shop and get them telling their friends about you.

    It could be as simple as a handwritten thank you. I had some beautiful business cards made up for my Etsy store with plenty of white space on them. Before I add one to my package I just write a little thank you on it. It takes me thirty seconds and is well worth it to remind people that you’re an individual rather than a huge corporate entity.

    I also like to provide customers with a small printed note in their package reminding them that I have a mailing list that they can subscribe to (which gives them a discount). My mailing list serves as a way to connect with my customers and remind them that I’m a small independent business. Honestly, I think that every business, be it small or large, should take advantage of mailing lists and include them in their marketing strategy because it can help entrepreneurs learn about the purchase pattern of their customers and allow them to create curated shopping experiences for the clients in the future. It also provides them with extra customer service – suggesting ideas for things in my product line that they might want to buy (interested individuals can learn more about this by going through this post at

    Business owners should keep in mind that their clients are the most important aspect of their business. It is a deciding factor that will help the brand to be popular and successful not only in the home country but across the globe. Hence, it is their responsibility to make the customers happy with the great products and services.

    Anyway, those are my top tips for how to improve your Etsy sales. What do you think? Are you going to put any of them into action?

    What’s important is that you grow your business to the size that suits you. My Etsy business is quite small, but provides a consistent part-time income that compliments my PhD studies!

  • Adding Monograms to Your Embroidery Business

    Adding Monograms to Your Embroidery Business

    Personalised embroidered items are the foundation of my business. While I do sell some generic pieces, the vast majority of my income comes from personalisation.

    Offering personalisation on things that you manufacture as part of your business can be a game changer. It opens up new income streams and will bring create customer loyalty bringing them back time and time again for repeat business.

    Monogram Basics

    Monograms were one of the basics that I started with when it came to personalisation. Being able to add a set of initials, or similar, to a simple stock line can improve your profit considerably with only minor expense – assuming that you already have the equipment. Certainly from my perspective, monograms have helped me expand out of my costume and cosplay niche and into giftware and personal purchases.

    Many of the software packages for embroidery machines have the ability to easily create monograms. But if you’re looking for a style that your machine doesn’t offer, then you might find yourself stuck.

    There is the option of drawing a monogram yourself by hand, but this is time consuming and beyond the skill of many. And that’s where free monogram design sites come in handy.

    Using a monogram maker online can be a good way to start the design process for a customised embroidered item. Many are free sites that you can use to play with monogram designs and find something that works for your customer or yourself.

    With just a few clicks I was able to come up with a monogram design that I was good enough to take into my embroidery software to serve as the basis for my customised design.

    After exporting the file I then took it to my digitalisation software for my embroidery machine and simply used the auto digitize option. It produced a great working file that I could then load onto my embroidery machine.

    Sewing the Monogram

    Once you’ve designed your monogram, getting it onto a product is the next stage! After all – if it’s not on a product then it won’t sell!

    One of my more popular ranges are the embroidered pouches that I sell both for costume and for more general use. I’ve made quite a few of them with monograms on in the past as custom orders, but I decided I wanted to add them as a regular product line to my Etsy store.

    If you’re going for this approach then choose fairly generic initials that look good in the monogram style that you’re using. ‘AB’ is always a pretty good pair to try out new designs with. You want people to be able to imagine their own initials on the product – so don’t choose anything too wacky!

    Once you’ve got your prototype made go ahead and photograph it so that you can get it listed on your Etsy shop. These kinds of monogrammed products sell great around Christmas time when everyone is looking for something unique to give as a gift to their loved ones.

  • Autumn Dating Ideas That Won’t Empty Your Wallet

    Autumn Dating Ideas That Won’t Empty Your Wallet

    As the nights draw in and the evenings get chilly, there’s still beautiful days to be had out and about on dates. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll saving up for Christmas and therefore trying to save money wherever you can.

    With that in mind, here are my best tried and tested ideas for autumn dating that will impress your date and give you plenty of time to get to know each other!

    Head to the Forest

    Forests are magical during autumn. They get this beautiful warm glow from the sun while the air is crisp. Wrap up warm in your best jumper and scarf and be sure to snuggle up close with your date as the evening draws in.

    Take a look at your local tourist information site to find nearby beauty spots and download maps of footpaths. But don’t miss the opportunity to get lost deep in the woods alone with your date. If you’re looking for casual sex dating then getting lost in the woods can lead to a whole world of fun!

    Check Out a Museum

    In the UK many museums are free (or at least, all those supported by the government are). And when I visited New York I discovered that many of the major museums and galleries also have a ‘pay what you can’ policy.

    Show off your worldly knowledge and love of culture to your date by taking them to a museum. Most of them are inside and therefore unaffected by the awful weather that autumn can bring! Many people you meet on adult dating sites are looking for a little more than just hookups – I’ve found cultural visits always go down well as dates.

    Here’s a tip from me though – don’t stop by the cafe unless you want to spend a fortune. Instead take a walk to find a local independent coffee shop for coffee and cake while you discuss the museum you’ve just seen.

    Go Stargazing

    With the dark evenings drawing in, now is the time to go stargazing! Pack your car full of blankets and drive out to a quiet spot away from the streetlights.

    There’s plenty of apps to download to tell you what you’re looking at in the night sky. What could be better than a cuddle under the stars?

    For bonus points find out when you’re next likely to see something exciting in the night sky and schedule your date then. Eclipses and shooting stars can be spectacular. Speaking of open sky, you can also choose to go on a dinner date at a rooftop restaurant or bar (check this NoMad NYC Rooftop Bar if interested) where you can experience good food, drinks, music, and of course the star-filled sky. Well, it can be a little bit costlier, but worth the experience.

    Play Boardgames

    If going out doesn’t tempt you, then why not stay in? For a second or third date why not suggest a board game or two at yours. The loser can make fancy hot chocolates with marshmallows and whipped cream before you start the next round!

    And if you know your date pretty well perhaps suggest a game of strip poker. Or maybe if you’re rubbish at strip poker like I am, strip monopoly. I always win at monopoly. Encouraging each other’s competitive nature can be a great way to increase the tension before you think about taking it to the bedroom.