Author: Charlotte

  • Dating Ideas for Gamers

    Dating Ideas for Gamers

    To state the obvious, dating during a global pandemic has been challenging. However I’m hearing from many of my gaming friends that being a gamer has put them in a unique position to explore virtual dating. Many gamers already rely on technology to organize their gaming sessions and communicate with friends and guildmates, so it’s been a natural and logical leap to start dating using the same technology.

    All you need to start is a headset with a microphone and a way to talk to each other. You don’t even need a webcam, because you’ll have the game up on your screen so you wouldn’t be able to see each other anyway! The software that gamers use to talk is diverse and there are plenty of options. You’ve probably already got some of them installed on your computer! For just one to one chats Skype can be good, or you could use Zoom but they cut your call off after 40 minutes if you only have the free plan.

    However, I like to use Discord; as do many gamers all over the world. It’s incredibly easy to make a private server for yourself and your date and use the standard voice channels that are automatically set up. Once you have your own private server with a voice channel it’s easy to either dip in and out whenever you feel like it, or you can schedule times to see each other online. Another advantage of Discord is that you can keep all your chatting here. You never have to give out a personal phone number, email address, or social media profile. It’s a great way to keep yourself safe online while you’re dating, since it’s easy to just cut contact with your date if things start to get a little too weird.

    But where do you meet other gamers who are looking to date? Well, you could take a look at which is a dating site for gamers. It has been set up specifically to help gamers meet other gamers that are looking for relationships. If you’re a gamer, it can be quite hard trying to explain to a potential partner that you’re not available three nights a week because you’re raiding with your guild… so dating a gamer totally helps out that conversation in my experience!

    Which games should you play?

    Gaming is obviously a highly individual choice. Not everyone enjoys the same kinds of games, but it should be easy to find a common ground when you’re dating one of those gamers. I’ve been on a few virtual dates where I played World of Warcraft Shadowlands with my date. I made sure to keep myself safe by playing on a character other than my main to prevent any problems if we fell out but you can also block players in game if things turn sour.

    But you might be wondering what we did. Well, we did all kinds of things together! We toured around Azeroth visiting some of our favorite places, we did some quests together in the Shadowlands, and we even did LFR together! Although since I was on an alt character, my performace was pretty bad, so you might want to leave that one for a second or third date…

    But you don’t have to play games like Warcraft on online dates. It would be just as easy to play something a little easier to dip in and out of. I’m currently planning a date with an old friend next week and we’re going to make use of the multiplayer mode in Stardew Valley to play together. If it goes well then we’ll work together to grow and progress our farm. You could also take a similar cooperative approach to Minecraft. I have my own server hosted at home, but you could easily either play on a large established server owned by someone else, or pay a small subscription fee for a few months.

    The key is that you have fun and enjoy yourself together. Make it into a bit of an occasion, just as you would have done pre-pandemic. This is, in many ways, no different to going to an art gallery together or meeting up for a few hours for lunch. The point is that you make an excuse to spent time together so that you can chat and get to know each other. So relax and enjoy each other’s company. And hopefully when we’re back to meeting up in person, you’ll already know loads about each other and be ready to take your relationship to the next stage!

  • Local Dating: Should you Form a Bubble?

    Local Dating: Should you Form a Bubble?

    local lockdown bubble dating

    I was chatting to a friend online at the start of this second lockdown here in the UK, and he said to me that he was thinking about forming a bubble with a man he had met on a local dating site. You see he worked through the first lockdown which meant he saw colleagues and friends at work regularly, but he hasn’t been fortunate enough to have work available during this most recent lockdown so he’s been pretty lonely.

    At first it sounded pretty risky to me. I mean, is this really how we should be behaving during a global pandemic? Forming bubbles with people we barely know? But actually the more I thought about it the more sensible it seemed – as long as everyone is safe and adheres to the rules that the government has laid out.

    Since I thought it was a great idea (and actually, it’s worked out well for my friend) I thought I’d round up my top tips for forming a bubble with someone new that you’ve met during the pandemic.

    Hit up a local dating site

    There are lots of options for local dating sites if you have a search on Google. For instance, Hertfordshire singles could take a look at this Hertfordshire dating site. Why stay local? Well, travel restrictions mean that you can’t travel so much during a global pandemic. For good reason too – public transport is incredibly risky, and if you’re driving then the last thing you want is an accident which could land you in hospital and at more risk of contracting covid. Leave the travelling for the key workers, and help lift the pressure on the emergency services and the NHS.

    Establish trust

    Forming a bubble with someone you don’t know very well requires a fair bit of trust. Go on a few socially distanced dates with the person you’re considering bubbling with, and get a general feel for what they’re like. Remember, you’re ideally committing to them for the duration of lockdown and you’re most likely going to have them in your home. Is this the kind of person you want to share your life with, even if it’s just temporary?

    Know where you stand

    Is this a month-long agreement for a short lockdown, or is this a kind of trial for a longer-term relationship? Make sure you talk about what you both want to get out of the situation before you form your bubble. Communication is key, especially during a pandemic.

    Take precautions

    No, not just those kind of precautions (but take those too). Don’t just jump in to your bubble. It’s a good idea to both try and isolate as much as possible before you form your bubble to make sure, as far as possible, that you’re not carrying the virus. Remember that once you’ve bubbled with someone and become a joint household, that you are responsible for their health and wellbeing as well as your own. If you, or they, can’t behave respectfully before and during bubbling, then perhaps this isn’t a situation that’s going to work very well.

  • Has Lockdown been Good for Love?

    Has Lockdown been Good for Love?

    local dating

    It’s easy to think that lockdown has relegated single people to being single for what feels like forever. But if you look a little closer there’s some lovely, romantic stories of local love being found amongst the apocalyptic nightmare that 2020 has felt like.

    People, including myself, are still dating. But it looks different this year. We’ve had to be more creative and come up with new ways to meet people. My old advice of “get off dating apps and into a coffee shop as soon as possible” no longer worked, I’ve had to take a different approach, as have many others!

    What new approaches have people used?

    From reading other blogs and hearing stories from my friends, I know that many people have taken a local approach to dating. Instead of being willing to travel for miles for the right person, they have instead been looking to local sites and local networking groups for singles. Some of my friends who are Dorset singles have been exploring an exciting local Dorset dating site, and I’m hearing the same from all over the country.

    With travel restrictions in place that are often meaning we can’t leave our local area, it has been time to reassess the way we look at people on dating sites, and not just immediately pass them by because one little thing on their profile puts us off. I know I’ve been guilty in the past of simply rejecting people because they didn’t seem very exciting, or because they didn’t match everything I was looking for.

    Instead I’ve been giving people more of a chance, and having a chat with them instead. It’s not like I’ve got much else to do in the evenings, sitting at home and not being allowed to do the things I would usually be doing. And I’ve been pleasantly surprised. Even though lots of people don’t have great profiles on the various online dating sites, they’re really great people underneath it all. They just can’t write a profile to save their lives!

    So because I’ve relaxed my usual criteria for meeting people from dating sites and chatted to them for an extended amount of time instead, I’ve found myself making more connections than I normally would in the same amount of time. And I’m not saying that all of them will turn into connections, but it is always good to know more people. Just last week someone who I probably wasn’t compatible with (and he had realised that too) suggested a friend to me that he thought would be more my kind of guy. Turns out he was right – and we’re grabbing coffee at Neros in a few days after the national lockdown ends!

    So don’t be dispirited if you feel like the summer of dating you had planned has passed you by. Instead get on some local dating sites and start meeting people who, like you, are stuck in your local area and are also looking for love. Worst case scenario you make new friends for adventures when the restrictions list. But you never know – you might find someone who you end up dating for years to come!

  • Gifts for Foodies: Restaurant Vouchers

    Gifts for Foodies: Restaurant Vouchers

    restaurant vouchers

    I’ve got a confession to make: my partner and I love to eat out for breakfast. As often as possible in fact. You see, we’re blessed with living on the edge of the Cotswolds and there’s so many great places to go for breakfast that we’re really spoilt for choice.

    We often push back the start of our working days (we’ve both worked from home for years) so that we can take a drive to one of a number of different fantastic spots for breakfast that we’ve scoped out over the past seven years of living here.

    Why eat breakfast out instead of dinner?

    Some of our friends are really surprised that we would almost always prefer to eat breakfast out instead of dinner. It’s not the norm, I admit. But when you’re a breakfast person, then nothing can really be compared to starting the morning off with a steaming coffee while someone else cooks the breakfast of your choice.

    And we’ll try anything in our quest for great breakfasts. While poached eggs on toast remain our firm favourite offering (we even make notes and rate the quality of the poached eggs and hollandaise sauce), we’re also no strangers to a sausage bap, or even a Middle Eastern friend eggs with spiced yoghurt sauce. Shakshuka was flavour of the month around here just before lockdown, and I’ve got to admit I’m hoping it stays on menus for a long time to come!

    So when my Aunt bought us restaurant gift vouchers last year for Christmas, my Mum was surprised. She didn’t really understand why we’d want such a thing (wouldn’t an Amazon voucher be better, she said). But my Aunt understood the fact that these vouchers weren’t just buying use some food, but instead they were buying us a luxurious treat. A delay to the working day where we can sit and relax for an hour before jumping head-first into our busy lives.

    She was buying us an experience instead of just a foodie gift voucher. Another opportunity to go out and try a new place to eat. We found two new places that we’d probably never have tried before for breaktast because they were quite expensive, but we were glad we did! And to say thank you for the breakfast we video called her to show her the food that she’d treated us to (although I’m not sure waking her up and getting her out of bed was the smartest move we ever made).

    Too many people see breakfast as just fuel for the day. But if you play your cards right it can be a really great way to kick things off. On a beautiful summers day I like to get up early, start work at 6am, and then by 8am I’m ready to take an hour off and go out for breaktast. Then I’m recharged, chilled out, and ready to work through to lunch.

    And now that we’re all working from home as much as possible, this kind of flexibility can be a part of our working lives. We get to dictate the way we spend our time now, and spending our time celebrating all the different breakfasts that are out there is surely one of the best ways to start the day!

  • Finding Local Love in Lockdown

    Finding Local Love in Lockdown

    local love during lockdown

    This year, many of us have had the time on our hands to think about what is really important to us in our lives. Some of my friends have had the revelation that long-distance relationships and hours on the road or public transport aren’t actually something that they’re looking forward to once things slowly start getting back to normal. I can relate to this feeling well – long motorway drives to see your beau really do get tiring after a while.

    So if you’ve come to a similar conclusion, what do you do?

    One of my older friends has been started on a journey of becoming more and more environmentally friendly in the way that he lives his life, and as a result, has decided to give up his car and reduce his public transport use. He decided that he would specifically try and date locally from now on, reducing his environmental footprint on the earth. He recommended to friends this Merseyside dating site that specialises in connecting people in his local area.

    His recommendation stirred a surprising response amongst friends on Facebook. Many wondered if he was narrowing his dating pool too much. Would he really find his perfect eco-friendly and adventure-loving date on such a niche website? Both he and I think it’s more than possible, so we got together and made a list of our top tips.

    5 Tips for Finding Local Love

    Find the right dating site.

    My friend found his dating site by putting the phrase dating agency Merseyside into a Google search. Once he was there he checked out the features and made sure that it offered everything he wanted in a dating site. Spending time to find the right site can really pay off in the end, and is better than scatter gunning lots of different sites.

    Create a great profile

    Let’s be straight – nobody will meet you if you have a terrible profile. Be honest about your likes and dislikes, but perhaps leave out anything particularly odd – that’s the kind of info best saved for the second date! And make sure you have a clear photo that shows you smiling. People really react well to photos of other people smiling – it actually makes them feel happier!

    Be honest about what you want

    My friend stated openly and honestly that he was looking for someone local who was as passionate as him about leading a more eco-friendly lifestyle. The result has been that he’s chatting to a couple of people who have the same interests as him! Being up front really does weed out many people who would otherwise be completely incompatible with you.

    Start talking

    In these strange times we’re getting quite used to chatting online for extended amounts of time. Video calls, phone calls, messaging apps – we’ve got them all! But if you’re not up for a Zoom call (or anything else) with your date then explain your boundaries clearly. If your date doesn’t respect your wishes then they’re not for you.

    Be prepared to take it offline

    Lockdown will end. Hopefully soon. And when it does, be prepared to meet up offline. It can be quite anxiety-inducing at the moment for many people to go out and meet new people, but we must start to get used to the fact that our lives have been irreversibly changed. If you’re nervous about meeting up then explain this to your date – a good person who is right for you will always understand.

  • Playing Matchmaker: Helping Others Find Love

    Playing Matchmaker: Helping Others Find Love

    I’m not saying that I’m an expert at this by any means, but lots of my friends do seem to come to me to ask for help and advice with their love lives. These past few weeks saw me talking through the options with a friend of mine. He’s an older divorcee and really keen to find someone new to date seriously, and hopefully have a second chance to do all those fun things like moving in and making a home together.

    local dating gloucestershire

    But, as I said to him, you have to start at the beginning. You eat an elephant one bite at a time, and you start a relationship with a single message or conversation. But how best to start those conversations, especially in during a local pandemic when talking to strangers is frowned upon, and socialising with people outside of your household has become a thing of the past?

    Dating Agency Gloucestershire

    There’s loads of ways to get online and start exploring the world of online dating. Apps where you can swipe right, apps that tell you when someone nearby is looking to meet, and giant global websites that can facilitate connections all over the world. However I’m not sure that these giants of the online dating world are the best way forward. These days, as I told my friend, I tend to go more local.

    So I recommended a Gloucestershire dating site to him and urged him to give local dating a try before he went for one of the big, household names. This way, as I said to him, you’re in with more of a chance of meeting someone nearby who you can more easily start to build a life with.

    I think that local dating sites need a slightly different approach. Be more guarded with your personal information than you might be on a larger site or app. It’s much easier for someone local to identify you and your habits based on casual information that you might give out in conversation. But on the other hand, it’s much easier for you to both find a mutually convenient place to meet – you’re both local to each other, so this should be a cinch!

    The other tip I have for local online dating is that if it all goes wrong just try to make sure you leave things on good terms if possible. You’re likely to see each other around your local area in the future, and it can be a rubbish experience for all concerned if those interactions in the future are awkward or even downright unpleasant. So be polite if you say you don’t want to see someone again whenever you can.

    I’m really looking forward to seeing how my friend gets on. He signed up a week ago and he’s already talking to someone who he’s hoping to meet for a coffee after this lockdown is over! As is true in so many areas of our life, going local really does seem to be the way forward. So have fun and stay safe. Don’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable.

  • Will You be Dating this Christmas?

    Will You be Dating this Christmas?

    local holiday dating
    Will you be dating this holiday season?

    I know, it’s been a rough year. The global pandemic has changed everything. But this is traditionally the season when we all start to settle down with someone for the winter, and why should Covid stop us having any fun?

    Whenever I head home for Christmas to see my family, I always try an squeeze in two different things. The first is lunch (or at least coffee) with an old friend from school. The second is a date of some kind. Usually I start looking around for a date towards the end of November. I change my location on dating apps and websites and then see if anyone interesting is about!

    I know that it seems like a strange thing to do. Going on a date with someone who isn’t in your local area just seems like it’s a recipe for a long-distance relationship that ultimately is destined to end in heartbreak when one or the other gets too busy to be able to put the time in. But hear me out. I like dating in different areas to where I live for a few really good reasons.

    Firstly because it means they’re not on your doorstep! If you’re anything like me you’ll really value your space. I’ve dated local guys before and eventually, you fall into a routine where they’re round several times a week and suddenly awkward questions start to be raised about moving in. No thanks. I’m quite happy to keep my love-life at, well, driving distance.

    The second is that it means you have good opportunities for more dates whenever you’re in the area! I travel quite a bit for university conferences and seminars, so I find myself around the country fairly frequently (but not so much this year – thanks covid). It’s really nice to be able to ask someone out for dinner that you already know is interesting because you’ve been on a date with them already. And if something else happens? Well, that’s even better.

    New areas and new opportunities

    This year is going to be a bit different. One of my parents has moved to a different part of the country, so I’ll be looking for local love for the first time in Lincolnshire! I’m really excited to try a Licolnshire dating site or two and see who is looking for love near where I’m spending the Christmas holidays.

    I’ve never tried Licolnshire dating before, so this is all going to be a new experience. And I’ll be sure to write a post in the new year letting you know how I got on! I’m hoping I’ll find someone that I can see each time I head over to visit my family, even if it’s just a coffee date. But more than coffee would be ideal.

    Top tips for Christmas dating while visiting a new area

    1. Make sure you’re upfront with your date. Don’t pretend you live there all year round because they might feel duped if they’re looking for something different. I always make sure that they know that this is the local area for my family, but I’m pretty nomadic and move around a fair bit.
    2. Establish a relationship with them online first. Get to know them before you meet them in person to make sure that you’re not wasting your precious holiday time. If they seem a bit dull online they’re not going to get better in person.
    3. Stay in contact with them after the date to keep things sweet for future meets. I’m not saying that you have to pester them every day (although if you both really get on well then I guess I’m not going to tell you how to live your life), but drop them a WhatsApp message every week or two to see how things are going. Or, you know, perhaps a Zoom call in our brave new world.

    Whatever you do, do it safely

    I don’t need to tell you that we need to be a bit more careful this year when dating. And if you’re staying with family as I will be, take extra precautions. I’ll be trying to arrange any dates on the last two days of my visit to family this year. That way my family are hopefully less at risk of catching covid if my date is asymptomatic for the disease.

    But most of all you need to make sure you’re having fun. If it doesn’t feel like fun, then don’t go through with it. Drop them a message if you’re not feeling it, it’s the polite thing to do. Don’t just leave them hanging, and don’t make them take a journey out if you’re not planning to meet them.

    Let me know if you have any success with Christmas dating while visiting family this year! I’d love to hear all about it.

  • Fast Food Junk Journal WIP (Flick Through)

    Fast Food Junk Journal WIP (Flick Through)

    Recently I’ve been taking the time to explore recycled materials in my crafts, especially in paper crafts. This has led me to putting together a diy junk journal that uses lots of recycled fast food packaging! You don’t need expensive pads of paper, ephemera, and junk journal digital kits to make a fabulous junk journal, you just need some imagination!

    Here’s a quick flick through I filmed of my recycled fast food junk journal after I’d sewn the signatures in. There’s still a long way to go with adding more decoration, but I really love how it’s come out so far!

    The four junk journal signatures contain pages from magazines, fast food delivery bags from Starbucks and Subway, food boxes, and some tags made from recycled Amazon packaging and cereal boxes. I tea-dyed lots of the pages and also used artists gesso on the tags. The pockets are a combination of sewing and double-sided tape to stick them down.

    The cover is actually a cake box which was the exact right size, covered in a KFC delivery bag and using a Pizza Hut box on the spine for reinforcement. On the inside of the cover there are pages from magazines, but I plan to add some pockets as extra tuck spots. There is lots I want to do in this journal but I was really, really keen to upload a video to show my progress so far.

    For the next stage of this journal I’m going to look at designing my own junk journal elements using SVG files from various websites. I like the fact that SVG files can be used for so many different things, from just printing and cutting out, to cricut stickers, or even embroidery. It makes them the kind of resource that once you buy them, they can be used time and time again.

    I’m really excited to grow my junk journaling hobby and see where it leads. I think that there are lots of different ways to take this kind of relaxed and creative bookbinding. I’m really enjoying the freedom to be creative without worrying that everything is all neat and tidy like traditional bookbinding. And I’ve already noticed that this new hobby has started to creep over into other parts of my life too – I’ve been stashing papers already for a photography junk journal!

    During the various lockdowns I’ve started using this fast food junk journal to document all the different and new takeaways and foods that we’ve tried. I’ve been cooking lots more than usual, and we’ve also been making a point to try out different takeaways and restaurants in our local area that we’ve never tried before. I’m hoping that this junk journal will be a positive memento from this global pandemic, one that I can think about all the good experiences I’ve had rather than just the negatives.

    I’m hoping that my photography junk journal will be the same. Once I’ve made it and decorated the pages I’ll use it to stash ideas, plans, and even finished photographs that I’ve taken. Hopefully it will become a real focal point for my creative photography work.

  • Videogames as Online Dates

    Videogames as Online Dates

    I think that the biggest benefit of the coronavirus lockdown on my dating life is that it’s slowed things down. I’ve had more deep and meaningful chats with virtual strangers over the past two months than I have in a very long time. And the best thing about it? There’s no awkwardness when you wonder who is going to pick up the bill at the end of dinner.

    This pandemic has slowed things down and forced a return to more traditional, drawn out dating. I feel like I’m really getting to know people at the moment, before we ever move on to anything physical. Of course it might turn out that they’re not that great in person, but that’s a risk you always take regardless. And I’m trying to see this exploration of people as a new way to make friends if it doesn’t work out, as well as lovers.

    I know that lots of my friends have been enjoying video chats with prospective partners during this time. That’s not really for me, but I did find someone who is also a bit of a videogames addict and we’ve been playing some multiplayer games together! That’s a pretty quick way to find out if you’re compatible – if you can play competitive games in the early stages without an argument, I’m pretty sure it’s a match!

    Planning for after the pandemic

    Of course, at some point when we’re all allowed back out, I’m keen to actually meet up with the people I’ve been talking to. So I’ve been trying to keep the people I put time and effort into relatively local.

    Local dating sites have proven particularly useful, as it means that people aren’t looking for long distance relationships (I already have one of those – I can’t cope with another). Obviously a dating site for my local town would be a bit niche, but I’ve had early success on a Birmingham dating site, since Birmingham is my closest big city.

    Meeting up in a big city also gives you lots of options for things to do, so dating Birmingham residents is a big plug if you’re in one of the local Midlands towns. Although I’m not sure what kind of activities we’ll do. I’m sort of hoping that maybe the art galleries will be open and we can be nervously distant while doing something cultural, but I suspect the reality will be sitting a meter apart on a wall eating takeaway or something!

    Either way, I’m hoping that the people I’ve been chatting to online want to continue to talk. I’m rather enjoying this exploration of personalities and finding more out about people. Hopefully it’ll lead to a greater success rate than I usually have in the flesh!

    Will it change permanently?

    I can’t help wondering if this new, slower form of dating (or is it a return to an older style of dating) will hang around long after the lockdown has gone. I’m in two minds as to how I feel about that. On the one hand, this slower pace of life is kind of nice. But on the other, sometimes you don’t really want to know someones life story, you just want to hook up, get it done, and get out.

    But for now, I’m happy having videogames dates with long, late night conversations attached.

  • Revamping Your Handmade Business Brand During Lockdown

    Revamping Your Handmade Business Brand During Lockdown

    Many people have seen their incomes drop during this pandemic. Being a small business owner is tough right now. It is, however, not the time to rest easy! It is time to think about what we can do for our business. If your sales are down and you’re not busy, this is a great time to think about revamping your handmade business brand.

    For many handmade business owners, their brand isn’t given much thought. But we should be thinking about our brand. It’s what our customers see whenever they interact with us. Our brand conveys our values to prospective customers and can tell people an awful lot about our business before they even see our products.

    So, to revamp your business, start it by doing a few changes in how your business operates. You can do a few changes in your home workspace or studio; for instance, get better furniture items from a seller, such as an office monster, to make your work more efficient. Once you have more confidence in yourself and your business, start with changes in client services like better management, client dealing, helpdesk facilities, on-time order delivery, etc.

    How to start a rebrand

    If you’re not an experienced graphic designer (and let’s face it – most of us who are redesigning our handmade business brand are not design professionals), then the simplest way to create a new logo and start your rebrand is to find some fonts that you like.

    Look for fonts that represent your brand and even you as a person. Is your brand fun? Whimsical? Serious? Modern? Old fashioned? All of these things can be conveyed through your font choice. Just typing your business name out in a couple of different fonts can start to make you think about how you want your brand to look. And don’t forget that there are plenty of places that you can get your fonts free to experiment with.

    Make sure you live with your font choices for a few days before you change your website and shop. You might find that after a bit you come back to your designs and they’re not as good as you initially thought. And remember to always ask a trusted friend for their opinion too.

    Imagine your packaging

    Once you’ve decided on a few different fonts that you feel represent your brand, if you’re savvy with Photoshop you can start to mock up your ideas. This enables you to see how they might work in on your packaging.

    Searching Google for design resources will give you lots of options for mockups and templates that you can use to start to envisage how your handmade brand might look.

    Some handmade business owners think that their branding is only relevant for their website and online marketing. But the reality is that you need to continue your brand throughout the customer experience with consistently. The moment your customer opens the package that you’ve sent them, they should know exactly which business it is from. You might want to consider professional help from the likes of Epic Packaging and similar companies, who can help you rebrand your store! Talking about packaging, keep in mind that one of the things that customers nowadays are very cautious about is whether a business is using eco-friendly containers. Since the world has finally started showing its concern about the planet, it might be a good idea to ditch the typical plastic packaging that you might have been using for a long time. Instead, switch to an eco-friendly Custom Boxes Design to show your love towards Mother Nature and your effort to attract customers by using something unique.

    Know that branding goes beyond just fonts and logos. It goes into the materials you use and the style in which you package. For instance one of the things that are important to my brand is that I’m environmentally conscious and only use natural fabrics in the things I make. I continue those brand values into my packaging, using cardboard boxes and recycled tissue paper for my packaging. I may also look for transfer stickers and packaging stickers with the business logo and name to use for business branding. I even have a natural-feeling business card rather than a card that has a glossy finish.

    I hope that these tips have been helpful and that you can find something constructive to do for your business during this COVID-19 lockdown.