Free Online Sewing Classes during the Pandemic

First off, I hope you’re all feeling alright out there and that you and your loved ones are safe. It’s extraordinary times at the moment and certainly here in the UK we’re facing the prospect of being stuck indoors for the next two and a half weeks!

But it’s not all doom and gloom – people all over the world are finding the time to reconnect with their families, take up hobbies that they’ve always wanted to have a go at (I’m mastering the handstand pushup), and perfect the skills they already have.

Bluprint have put together a “creative care package” for the pandemic which includes free access to all of their classes for two weeks! All you have to do is head over to their site and sign up – you don’t need a credit card but you do need to register.

Bluprint classes cover so many different crafts and hobbies and they’ve made over 1300 of them free for this event. I’ve taken a few drawing classes on the site in the past, and I do love the modern quilting classes that are available. But there’s also photography, knitting, cake making… your only problem might be ordering the supplies that you need!

The Jacquie Gering classes on modern quilting are my favourite classes on Bluprint. The creative quilting class really opened my eyes to seeing what could be done with just walking foot quilting. Well worth taking if free motion quilting has never really appealed!

Homeschooling resources

For the parents of kids who are now staying at school, there are also plenty of classes that they can take on their own with just basic materials. Bluprint has even organised a special family section of their site, so you can easily find suitable classes to take with them.

Let me know if you watch a class and enjoy it – I’d love to see what you get up to! So head over to Bluprint, sign up, and get started!

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