Odyssey Robes – The Dyening

I tried out the professional dye I got a while back. Procion MX in dark brown. I’d been warned that the pro dyes are a bit of a learning curve compared to something like Dylon, but I was up for giving it a go.

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I added too much water I think. I added a bit more than the instructions suggest to make sure all the fabric was covered. But the end result was that there was really wasn’t enough dye in the water (because I have dodgy kitchen scales too) and I’m not sure that the soda ash activated enough. We put a second lot of soda ash in after about 25 mins, but I think it was too little, too late.

However they did come out some interesting colours.

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And altogether it looks ok. I think. I’m doing to see how it wears for the weekend at Odyssey. And perhaps do some tea staining on it before hand. And roll around in the mud a bit. And throw rocks at it.

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I do love the colour that the darker brown robe has gone though. It’s now a reddish brown, almost like chocolate.

2015-06-06 17.56.53And the wool robe over the top is the one I’m currently in the process of hand stitching. Hopefully it’ll be finished. Or finished enough anyway.

Then I just have to finish the gambeson. And make myself a headscarf. No pressure.


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