Manipulating Fabric

I’m really in love with the idea of doing something different with my costumes. I love the simple lines of things like robes and tunic, but as I’ve mentioned so many times before, I also really love the idea of taking things just that little bit further. Usually I do that by trying to make the interior finishes really special and the outside very neat, but I also love the idea of manipulating and even making your own fabric.

As I mentioned in my Mythlore post, I plan to experiment heavily with pin tucking and cording in the pieces I’m making at the moment. the idea is to create a theme that runs through all the pieces and ties them together. A motif, if you want to use the fancy word. 😉

But I’ve also been looking around the net for inspiration and have been coming up with all kinds of creative things that you can do. Here’s a few that have started to get my brain thinking.

Manipulating Fabric for Costume
Manipulating Fabric for Costume Manipulating Fabric for Costume Manipulating Fabric for Costume Manipulating Fabric for Costume Manipulating Fabric for CostumeAnd from this book which has now gone on my amazon wish list after finding it on Google books: The Art of Manipulating Fabric

The Art of Manipulating Fabric

Manipulating Fabric for CostumeManipulating Fabric for Costume Manipulating Fabric for Costume Manipulating Fabric for Costume Manipulating Fabric for Costume Manipulating Fabric for Costume

This book also looks like it might be worth a look: Shadowfolds: Surprisingly Easy-To-Make Geometric Designs in Fabric

Shadow Folds - Manipulating Fabric


3 responses to “Manipulating Fabric”

  1. […] Manipulating Fabric – Charlotte Sometimes. Block 12: shell smocking – Textured 4-patch quilt | Sewn Up. Close up Block type: 4-patch Block size: 10 1/2 inches Colour scheme: reds, greens and neutrals Texture/fabric manipulation: Canadian smocking Cut: one 6 1/4 in red squareone 6 1/4 in pale green squareone 4 1/2 in red squareone 4 1/2 in pale green squareone 9 in cream square Making the shell smocking Shell stitching diagram As you can see in the diagram, shell smocking is stitched in rows. The black line implies that both points, A and B, C and D, E and F, etc are pulled and stitched together. The dotted line implies that you drag your thread from the last pulled stitch to the next stitching point, without pulling. […]

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